trusted by our clients

StartupFuel VentureReports

Level 1 - Tear Sheet
1 Page Tear Sheet providing high level analysis on a startup company. Meant to assist with screening to determine if further diligence should be conducted.

Level 2 - Deal Memo
Deal Teaser report providing analysis and ratings into 8 areas of the business. Meant to determine if the organization should commit to further due diligence.

Level 3 - Investor Report
Deal Memo with comprehensive in-depth analysis into 32 varying factors about the business. Meant to initiate capital calls from LP investors and/or to invest in the deal.
client testimonial
"The StartupFuel platform demonstrates potential to bring together different parts of our startup ecosystems in a way that allows us to harmonize data, diligence and community in a central place with transparency and models of collaboration built into its framework. We are piloting our accelerator with the StartupFuel platform as an effort to work together with other innovation hubs across Canada and share our programming and support systems with entrepreneurs of different sizes, verticals and regional placement."
Sumit Bhatia
Director of Innovation & Policy @ Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst

"The elimination of subjective bias in venture capital helps everyone: transparency for founders, costs for fund investors, & returns for Limited Partners. Humans make mistakes, data doesn't. Enhance your diligence process with best in class software, intelligence, and expertise."
Ashley R. Martis

85% Backtested Accuracy
Diligence standards based on 30+ years of industry research
Framework designed by PhD professors, enhanced by data, and validated by venture capital experts. Improving rate of returns through reduction of subjectivity bias.
trusted partners

Canadian Equity Crowdfunding

US Equity Crowdfunding

Fund Admin & SPVs

Captable & Fund Admin

Domain Name / Web Traffic Diligence

Background Check Diligence

Fund Data Partner

Ecosystem Data Partner

Deal Data Partner
Sophistication Served To Diverse Markets
Ratings and analysis are used across multiple disciplines where startup assessment is required. Our expertise and service span a large variety of disciplines.